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Messages : 41 à 60
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Nombre de messages : 431
le 08/08/2020 à 02:55
Note : 6/10

From a fossil point of view, palm trees go back at the very least eighty
million years in the past to the Cretaceous Period during the
occasions of the dinosaurs. If you have just planted
the Trachycarpus fortunei in your backyard it's clever to provide it further safety towards the frost in at the least the primary year.
Planting this plant could be achieved the whole yr spherical.
Alchemically, people need equal unity with polarity and being complete.

For a long time, some people have associated the date palm
with the god of sun, Ra and as resurrection figurehead.
Female date palms bear fruit if a male tree is close by,
but not all species bear fruit that is good for human consumption. Like many different plants, palms have been threatened by
human intervention and exploitation. Human use of palms is as previous or older than human civilization itself, starting
with the cultivation of the date palm by Mesopotamians and other Middle Eastern peoples 5000 years or extra
in the past. In the height of Egyptian tradition, palm trees had been worshiped by many; an indication of the importance
of palms in historical occasions is that they are talked
about more than 30 occasions in the Bible.
To learn extra about common bodily traits of various palm species, read on!
Messages : 41 à 60
Page : 3
Nombre de messages : 431